BimBam sparks connections to Judaism through digital storytelling.
Ariela is the Education Director at Urban Adamah. She grew up in Mexico City and have joyfully made her professional way in life as a Jewish environmental and experiential educator since 2005. Her passion for living on the Earth as a Jew has been nurtured by years of personal study and work in the community. After completing her B.A. in Education Studies from Brown University, she spent a year in Israel learning Torah and other texts relevant to ecology and earth-based Judaism. After working for the Teva Learning Center as a Jewish environmental educator, she settled in the Bay Area and took on diverse educational projects, including Camp Tawonga, Chochmat HaLev’s religious school, and Gan Shalom Preschool in Berkeley. She is the program founder of “B’Hootz,” Wilderness Torah’s year-round children’s program, and served as Education Director for Edah in Berkeley. Ariela completed the Kevah Teaching Fellowship, the Torah Trek Guides program, is a Rockwood Alumn, and 2015 recipient of the Helen Diller Family Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. At Urban Adamah since 2013, Ariela has dedicated her time making sure Urban Adamah provides the best environment for holistic learning grounded in community values through their youth and family programs, as well as through their educational vision at large. She also love supporting teachers and educational leaders as we increase our capacity for vibrant, nature-based learning in the Jewish world and beyond.
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