Judaism 101

Learn the basics and gain confidence about Jewish holidays and traditions.

Jewish Holidays

Explore our videos to learn everything you need to know about the major Jewish holidays.

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Jewish Values & Beliefs

Jewish values are a set of practices and beliefs that outline how to be a good human being in the world. Explore our free animated videos to learn common Jewish values and beliefs.

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Prayers & Blessings

Learn to say basic Jewish prayers and blessings, plus what they mean, with these explainer videos that include "how to" karaoke.

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Lifecycle Events

Introductory videos about special moments in the lifecycle and how Judaism addresses them with ceremonies and rituals. Learn what to expect at a Bar Mitzvah, why Jews do various rituals at weddings and how to comfort a friend in mourning with these easy explanations that will build your confidence.

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BimBam's Judaism 101 program is made possible with generous support from The Koret Foundation, as part of their Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood.

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