Jewish Sing Alongs

Learn the lyrics to common Jewish songs and prayers with our karaoke-style videos.

How to Light and Bless the Chanukah Candles

Learn how to light and say the Jewish blessings over Chanukah candles in a real life preschool class! We are proud to partner with PJ Library to bring you this sweet tutorial. You can practice all three Hebrew blessings for Chanukah right along with us and the Shaboom! cast.

Chanukah sameach – happy Chanukah!

Learn to Bless the Challah for Shabbat

In this karaoke video, parents and kids learn the blessing, or bracha, over challah that Jewish families say on Shabbat…or anytime over regular bread.

Click the preview below to download a handy dandy blessings cheat sheet to post on your fridge and use together!

shabbat shalom

If this was helpful, be sure to check out all of our Shabbat Shaboom videos – you can learn about blessing the grape juice, lighting the candles and so much more. Shabbat shalom to your family!

Hinei Ma Tov

Learn the words to this wonderful Jewish song about being together with Shaboom! songleader and Bay Area children’s music superstar, Isaac Zones! He sings it two ways…so stick around to hear both!

The words are: Hinei Ma Tov U’Ma Naim Shevet Achim Gam Yachad, and it means How Good, and How Pleasant, it is to Hang Out Together with Brothers and Sisters.

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