Torah & Texts


By Lydia Greer and Hadassa Goldvicht

The Cloud is a personal take on Parashat Pekudei, which described the completion of the tabernacle and all its components, and the cloud of Devine presence leading the
Israelites through their journey in the desert.

A collaboration between the artists Lydia Greer and Hadassa Goldvicht, The Cloud tells a personal coming of age story of a father and daughter learning the book of Exodus together, and the contemporary presence of the tabernacle and divide guidance within their lives.


By Dov Weinstein

If this week’s Torah story is about drawing close to God, then get ready for a ticklish snuggle with Parshat Pekudei featuring Dov Weinstein.

Tiny Ninja Theater’s Dov Weinstein tells a hilarious tale of love, devotion and building a future together with your Significant Other.

Is it a Vayakhel-Pekudei year? Watch our animated Torah portion on Vayakhel here.

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Pekudei Source Sheet

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Pekudei Lesson Guide

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