Search Results: chanukah

13 results

Dreidel Rules in 15 Seconds

Learn the rules of dreidel in 15 seconds, including credits. So, 13 seconds. Enjoy.

How It’s Made: Sufganiyot

Have you ever wondered how bakeries make jelly donuts? Well, we went over to Frena Bakery, one of the few kosher bakeries in the San Francisco Bay Area, to see how its made. The Hebrew word for jelly donut is sufganiyah (sufganiyot is the plural form). Sufganiyot are originally from Israel. Sufaniyot roughly translates to […]

Sevivon Sov Sov Sov Sing-Along

Sevivon Sov Sov Sov is mostly known as that other dreidel song and talks about the spinning top and how a great miracle happened there (or here if you live in Israel). Learn the words in Hebrew and English to this popular song for Chanukah!