Torah & Texts

Recommended for ages 12+

Preschool story readalong: FOUND by Salina Yoon

Teaching kids about returning lost objects

Listen to a preschool teacher read Salina Yoon’s charming book FOUND, all about lost objects and what it means to return them. Thanks to PJ Library for the wonderful selection, and to Bloomsbury Children’s Press for the performance rights.

Hashavat aveidah is the Jewish idea that we must do everything we can to return lost objects. “Finders keepers” isn’t a thing! There are lots of interesting facets to doing this mitzvah, but an easy way to talk to the youngest children about it starts with misplaced stuffies! So, enjoy Teacher Amanda’s reading of FOUND, and may it be the beginning of a great conversation with your little ones.

These resources have been made possible through the generous support of the Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah

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