Learn the basics and gain confidence about Jewish holidays and traditions.
While the worlds of business and sports may reward heavy-handed authority and even arrogance, Dr. Hal M. Lewis argues that “it ain’t the heat, it’s the humility” that is the unexpected key to success.
This video about Jewish humility was produced by ELI Talks in conjunction with BimBam. ELI talks are highly produced, 12-minute presentations on “inspired Jewish ideas.” The talks explore central themes of Jewish literacy, religious engagement and identity, presented in light of their presenter’s own work, personal experiences, or Jewish or secular texts. Dr. Hal M. Lewis wrote this animated short based on his own ELI talk, “It Ain’t the Heat, It’s the Humility: Jewish Leadership for the 21st Century.” ELI talks don’t just simply present what others have said more elegantly or funny or with great A/V support. Instead, they present new ideas to explore, consider and wrestle with. Viewers are meant to come away from an ELI talk thinking anew and seeing from new perspectives.
Produced by Eli Talks in conjunction with BimBam. Many thanks to the Avi Chai Foundation for their support of ELI Talks.
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