Torah & Texts

The Rise of Yavneh from Gittin 55b-57a

By Becca Grumet and Sam Grinberg

Talmud, interpreted by emerging artists

A new perspective to the famous beginning of Gittin 55-56, in which Jerusalem is destroyed due to the confusion of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza.

Artists’ statement: As a comedy writer and a cartoonist, we approached the piece with a contemporary voice and used humor to focus on the positive outcomes of the story. While most might view the tale as “the destruction of Jerusalem,” we like to think of it as “the rise of Yavneh.” We were inspired by each other’s similar comedic styles and had a ton of fun seeing the jokes on the page come to life with flash animation.

Created in chevruta, or partnership, between a visual artist and a writer as part of a 2012-3 program called Studio G-dcast.

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Talmud Character Map

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Rise of Yavneh Source Sheet

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The BimBam Creative Talmud Curriculum

The development of this program was made possible in part by funds granted by the Covenant Foundation. The statements made and the views expressed in the individual projects, however, are solely the responsibility of the artists.

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